heavenboyz hates
15 years ago
irritating people. Ugh. Bullshit-ers man.
latest #8
junkstation says
15 years ago
heavenboyz says
15 years ago
Ahahah seems like deja vu, huh? :-D
junkstation says
15 years ago
whats that.
JayHedgee says
15 years ago
it means seems familiar? =DD
junkstation says
15 years ago
very familiar lorh. but i forgot the meaning.
heavenboyz says
15 years ago
Like when something happen, you think that you've experienced that same thing before. Cause I ask you to relax mah then now you ask me to :-D
junkstation says
15 years ago
oh icic...
Chanel23 says
15 years ago
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