coffeeondemand is
15 years ago
(hungry)heading to our huge annual Filipino family gathering in a half hour. Mmmm lots and lots of tasty food
latest #13
15 years ago
sounds most excellent
GAtticus asks
15 years ago
what is a typical Filipino dish?
coffeeondemand says
15 years ago
our family mainly serves pancit, lumpia and rice
coffeeondemand says
15 years ago
which is tasty
15 years ago
multi bueno
greygoo has
15 years ago
a secret plan to infiltrate an indian family
GAtticus thinks
15 years ago
that is not so secret anymore
Kilroy is
15 years ago
not sure how you'd pull that off...
Kilroy thinks
15 years ago
you don't look convincingly Indian.
15 years ago
body paint can do a lot
15 years ago
I suppose you just need to sneak in , grab so me food and get out. Maybe you could convince them for long enough...
15 years ago
or takes notes from wedding crashers
15 years ago
Haha, there you go.
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