Is it still romantic when you email "will you be my life partner"?
latest #29
maybe if it was said in person?
I haven't gotten a response
I meant it may be romantic if it was said in person. *May* because I'm sure you can spruce that question a bit to sound more romantic n_~
what the hell? are you proposing to Ny ???
how can I spruce it? He's not one for sentiment. i bet his response will be "what are you talking about?'
"You are the turbo my engine has been looking for..."
hahaha...go with ahyuken's
I just want to throw a commitment ceremony!
I have a feeling shotguns will be involved
i had to Aim him to get a response LOL
I asked him "did you get my email?' he replies "Which one?" I'm like "U know!"
He's like "Geez Life partner?" " I would if you would stop being so angry all the time"
I told him to stop trippin.
u suck you are not invited to the commitment ceremony!
you have to stay in your room
screw that you're not having it at the house I refuse
standing in the way of true Love! hater!
if LOUD is equated to true love, I'm gonna buy a lifetime supply of earplugs
I can't wait for you to get a girlfriend.
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