15 years ago
You ought to hear all the alarms going off in the house! TWC, weather band, Attilla's weather bug on his computer, my alert on my computer
latest #10
Nanna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
LOL! Sounds like some futuristic rainforest in here
15 years ago
No storm has a snowflake chance in hell of sneaking up on this household
mln32567 says
15 years ago
Hope you don't get really bad weather.
15 years ago
Damned washing machine just started "Walking" and scared the hell out of me with this storm
15 years ago
A walking washer sounds very much like a freight train...
Reindeer Fly
15 years ago
You should hear the "audible alarm" on my dryer!
12DaisyofXmas says
15 years ago
Oh, my!! :-o
azsky13 says
15 years ago
sponds like I am in a tornado watch tonight
azsky13 says
15 years ago
lol, that should read "Sounds like"
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