mariannebermudez is
15 years ago
looking for anyone up at 4am
latest #9
mariannebermudez says
15 years ago
i'm beginning to hate night shift...tired of convincing myself how I LOOOOVVVEEEEE my job...
mariannebermudez says
15 years ago
I love my job I love my job I love my job my job loves meeeee
h_matsumoto says
15 years ago
(rofl) anu na. XDDD
h_matsumoto says
15 years ago
eto si ria -- hidetoslave
h_matsumoto says
15 years ago
si rotch - --> magnet_rotch
h_matsumoto says
15 years ago
ay tea.. type.. mali yung kay rotch. eto yung tama -- magnetic_rose
h_matsumoto says
15 years ago
eto si rael -- @
h_matsumoto says
15 years ago
h_matsumoto says
15 years ago
si nicc balce -- robotnicc
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