Nala has
15 years ago
a Palm Pre! My first cell phone! That's kinda scary!
latest #15
Vicious says
15 years ago
ooo congrats! 'bout time!
15 years ago
OMGWTFBBQ!!111!!! Nala is plurking!!!
Vicious says
15 years ago
(doh) Demogorgon yer a bastage
Sean Gorham
15 years ago
boggles... you NEVER had a cellphone before now? :-o
Kinneh says
15 years ago
welcome to the 2000's :-D
TrinitySerpentine says
15 years ago
I nearly fainted when Nala told me. Seriously.
Nala says
15 years ago
I love you guys.... I'm geeking and showing it to Trin!!
TrinitySerpentine says
15 years ago
Baby, you're too damned cute.
Madame Maracas
15 years ago
/me faints
Madame Maracas
15 years ago
did hell just freeze over?
Sean Gorham
15 years ago
thought it was a bit chilly in here.
Siobhán says
15 years ago
Hii Nala!
Nala wants
15 years ago
An app for the Pre to make plurking easier
Sean Gorham says
15 years ago
Bug the Plurk guys!
Madame Maracas
15 years ago
you can use Ping.Fm dwaggie
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