emoboy wants
16 years ago
to know what the heck is wrong with my laptop?!! emo at the same time with me?!!
latest #15
emoboy says
16 years ago
my applications just freezes...friggin VISTAAAAAA
emoboy says
16 years ago
i dk...everytime i receive a msg on plurk it LAGGED..everytime i receive a msg on MSN it LAGGED. wtf
G®d says
16 years ago
do a fresh reboot, then scan for once.. might help ..
emoboy says
16 years ago
what do u suspect? virus?
G®d says
16 years ago
3-4hrs ago, ONLY here in Plurk, i'm on Flock, after i "enter" a text, it auto quit but FF3 seems ok.
G®d says
16 years ago
seems like something went into my Flock preferences, did a scan but looks OK though!
emoboy says
16 years ago
i dunno...the lates ive installed is FF3 so that might be the problem...but...too bad i have too much confidence in FF3...should i blame it
emoboy says
16 years ago
maybe its hogging my system resources
G®d says
16 years ago
FF3 on my Mac n prob at all.
teddymun says
16 years ago
mine crashes whenever it feels like it. I have an equally emo one right here!
emoboy says
16 years ago
i had to pull of the battery and plug to *reboot* it..wthhhhhh
teddymun says
16 years ago
Try force shutdown? Pressing the power button for a longer time (eg 10s for more) will help.
teddymun says
16 years ago
Oh and unplugging the power supply gives the hard disk no time to move the reading pin away, so might damage your drive...
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