emoboy asks
16 years ago
should i *use* my neighbour's wireless? Its left unsecured. =.=
latest #17
How Bizarre. says
16 years ago
*nods* Do it!
wildx says
16 years ago
lol i would so yuse it
JenniJane says
16 years ago
why not? go ahead haha.
G®d says
16 years ago
NIKE says •••
Shen-Shen! says
16 years ago
go for it haha
bunneh says
16 years ago
computersaysno says
16 years ago
16 years ago
Yes. If it's unsecured and they're broadcasting it into *your* private property, it should be your right!
teddymun says
16 years ago
Yes just do it. And when they found out (which they probably won't), just say that you accidentally got hooked up :-D
emoboy says
16 years ago
haha well i would do that but....i think its kinda wrong :-P
teddymun says
16 years ago
Too bad they didn't password protect it... well, they are responsible for their own connection. So it's not your fault for leeching :-P
teddymun says
16 years ago
yea... it's like blaming the thief when you have $100 notes plastered all around your body.
bunneh says
16 years ago
i will gladly use open wifi but only for casual surfing. i don't download huge files or torrent anything on them :-P
computersaysno says
16 years ago
use it for your pron, emo
teddymun says
16 years ago
LOL nice one computersaysno (s_LOL)
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