southernboy thinks
16 years ago
All of his plurks are being eaten as he sees none of them
latest #15
Helena Hndbskt says
16 years ago
mmmmm..tasty plurks
fairyprincessholly says
16 years ago
mine seem to be doing the same. Stupid plurk!
Venus says
16 years ago
(s_bye) I see you
fairyprincessholly says
16 years ago
I like mayo on my plurks. That or gravy.
southernboy says
16 years ago
As long as it's not chicken stock gravy, I'm in!
fairyprincessholly says
16 years ago
no, we'll use veggie stock just for you, cupcake! :-)
16 years ago
YOu said cupcake. Speaking of, I had a red velvet one yesterday then listened to WMBYS and you had one, too!
fairyprincessholly says
16 years ago
Yes I did....I've been on a little cupcake binge recently. :-)
actorschmactor asks
16 years ago
your WHAT is being eaten?
Helena Hndbskt says
16 years ago
Actor's ability to make anything dirty is what makes him so delightful
actorschmactor says
16 years ago
it's a gift ... well ... more like one of those paper bags kids leave burning on your doorstep
16 years ago
Well, who doesn't love a flaming bag of poo who does improv?
Helena Hndbskt says
16 years ago
It makes you much less likely to stomp it if it is entertaining you
actorschmactor says
16 years ago
actors and flaming bags .. both full of sh*t.
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