emoboy says
16 years ago
a heavy breakfast+11AM = branch? :-P
latest #16
computersaysno says
16 years ago
Brunch indeed. Or you COULD have a lunch at 3pm, dinner at 9pm, etc
Shen-Shen! says
16 years ago
perhaps.. haha
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
French toast!
computersaysno says
16 years ago
It could be ~second breakfast~
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Or lunfast
computersaysno says
16 years ago
lunfast sounds like a lunatic fest, neongreen
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Hey, that might not be so bad.
16 years ago
i don't think he knows about second breakfasts, computersaysno ;-)
emoboy says
16 years ago
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
My mom calls a mean inbetween lunch and dinner lunner
computersaysno says
16 years ago
What? He's seen the Britney sex tape but not LOTR?
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
or dinch
computersaysno says
16 years ago
dinch sounds like an awesome name for a pet
teddymun says
16 years ago
I always have brunch on Sundays... the whole family just refuses to wake up to fix breakfast :-P
spiderkitten was
16 years ago
trying to quote!
computersaysno says
16 years ago
lol, sorry spiderkitten :-P
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