GM_Aesir wonders
15 years ago
The blogs regarding the GM players is so :-o but if it's really true how come my name and my normal character (if there are any) not mention
latest #44
Mutya ng WYD says
15 years ago
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
(woot) :-o
Loli says
15 years ago
Now players are realizing that they are a GM
Loli says
15 years ago
ezili = Freya blondie = Hel Jb = Helius oh cmon
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
If they could ever knew how security implemented on this office :-&
Loli says
15 years ago
Yes. Human Rights issues anyone? (LOL)
Mutya ng WYD says
15 years ago
T.T not this humanrights again... I will end in jail coz of my blog... T.T
Loli says
15 years ago
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
I'm so glad Plurk and other social network site can visit as a part of community enhancement :-P
Mutya ng WYD says
15 years ago
(unsure) sounds like a farewell
thyrene says
15 years ago
Gm they said im loki (dance) parteh
Loli says
15 years ago
Aesir realized that he is GM Aesir
Mutya ng WYD says
15 years ago
wahaha, Ryukz name was mentioned.. are you Ryukz?
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
well how come we all GM plurking each other it's nonsense (annoyed)
thyrene says
15 years ago
LOL! hey Gm Aesir, not much nonsense lol
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
thyrene says
15 years ago
i saw 1 player name Aesir
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
yah with a GM on it
thyrene says
15 years ago
and im fake too?
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
If I can play i prefer to use BM-Evilator!
thyrene says
15 years ago
weee so am right!
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
with shield and throwing weapon!
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
full absorb damage set (hungry)
Mutya ng WYD says
15 years ago
hey aesir, want some coffee?
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
but sadly my char is on our local private server only!
GM_Aesir says
15 years ago
thyrene says
15 years ago
my bad i still dont have 200/200 >.<
Loli says
15 years ago
hey guys change your nickname to your GM char now
thyrene says
15 years ago
thyrene says
15 years ago
tenentenen tenen tenennnn
Loli says
15 years ago
GM Loki: water m share sv4 armia
thyrene says
15 years ago
free 1000mshare s4
darktemplar says
15 years ago
lol i never seen GM so active now...shouting alot ingame and all making jokes about GM players
darktemplar says
15 years ago
contingency plan eh?
Loli says
15 years ago
its called conass
Mutya ng WYD says
15 years ago
100x modified exp for gm chars! hurry
Loli says
15 years ago
He is fake Gm Aesir his name got Underscore....
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