there is some close to ridiculous shit going in this world at the moment I hope everything will be ok.
latest #15
Girl I'm praying for us all. The Lord will never abandon us. =)
close to ridiculous... its just gettin sicker & sicker in the world.
Very. I don't even want to watch the news anymore.
The stuff going on in Korea and Iran.
Oh that. I read it online. I got frustrated. & I said out loud...Lord what have WE done to them? They've come over here & damn near took ova
this country is all fucked up.
w/ all the chinese restaurants and nail places & 24 hr stores. I just pray they come to their senses
2 different places lol China & Korea.
Damn Chinese & Koreans. I read that they all hate eachother tho. The Chi's The Kor's & the Goddamn
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