15 years ago
Someone said long umbrellas are fashionable. So for the first time in my entire work life, I took one with me this morning and LOST it! Pfft
latest #10
markitotz says
15 years ago
Not as fashionable when he/she is the one using it though (LOL) FIGHTING SPIRIT!
markitotz says
15 years ago
that's saaaad! those @!@#$!#@$!!!! Guess you have a hundred different umbrellas now (LOL)
WALP says
15 years ago
aaay anu ba un. hahahaha. (rofl) sayang
markitotz says
15 years ago
cuteshox Big time. Kenneth Cole! Mine is the divi gray and black. Ha ha
markitotz says
15 years ago
walpay Yes indeed but it's oh kay. Payong lang yun :-)
WALP says
15 years ago
sabagay. :-D
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