vernanana is
15 years ago
baking brownies and made sushi last night
latest #35
vernanana is
15 years ago
not eating them together, so it's okay
AznPanda says
15 years ago
15 years ago
ended up kind of eating them together
vernanana says
15 years ago
it was good
vernanana is
15 years ago
really really full...
AznPanda wants
15 years ago
Kikkun is
15 years ago
Kikkun thinks
15 years ago
you're jealous of her non-anorexia.
Kikkun is
15 years ago
in shock because... Charlie has never eaten sushi?!
15 years ago
failed and says you're right.
vernanana thinks
15 years ago
Jessica should drive Aman to verna's house instead and MAKE sushi.
Kikkun says
15 years ago
that it might be poisonous.
vernanana is
15 years ago
sad Kirsten thinks that.
vernanana is
15 years ago
going to make spinach pasta today! :-DD
vernanana is
15 years ago
excited, but is missing the Gorgonzola and cream so is not sure how that's going to turn out. Stupid Asian refrigerators D<
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