powerofme says
15 years ago
:-o the entrance exam for mastermind was torture! as in torture to the max!!!!!!!
latest #10
aParadox. says
15 years ago
Really? :-)) Tell me about it. :-)) Now you know how torture we got dati. (rofl)
powerofme says
15 years ago
(rofl) i only answered 7... out of 20! =)) (rofl) yah, i seriously know how u feel
powerofme says
15 years ago
janine: i hope i do... wish me luck
aParadox. says
15 years ago
powerofme: :-j That's ok. You'll learn all those stuff in time. :-))
powerofme says
15 years ago
yah... but i'm still so scared for the results
aParadox. says
15 years ago
You'll pass. :-)) Who else were there?
powerofme says
15 years ago
the usual + others (rofl)
aParadox. says
15 years ago
okay? (LOL)
powerofme says
15 years ago
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