emoboy says
16 years ago
oh my lunchie, oh my lunchie, oh my lunchie come to papa (s_hungry)
latest #65
teddymun says
16 years ago
you're fixing lunch yourself?
teddymun says
16 years ago
oh and I just realised that both of us suffer from curly hair... (s_annoyed) gee!
emoboy says
16 years ago
nah..mum cooked while i was napping...
emoboy says
16 years ago
ZOMG my hair curls even when its so freaking short! :-)
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Have you been singing everything lately, Adrian? (s_unsure)
teddymun says
16 years ago
my hair curls when it grows a little longer... very very disturbing.
computersaysno says
16 years ago
curly hair is groovy
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
My hair is just one big friggin' curl. (s_annoyed) Well, not really but it might as well be :-(
teddymun says
16 years ago
Really? But I prefer my hair to be straight... easier to spike 'em :-))
computersaysno says
16 years ago
waves are best?
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Yeah, me too, Teddy. I have to use a flat iron on mine.
teddymun says
16 years ago
I just use the iron at home :-D
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
:-o Damn, they haven't done that in the US since the '70's
computersaysno says
16 years ago
Lol, teddyisred, taking metrosexuality to new heights
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
How sexy!
teddymun says
16 years ago
thank you! I iron my pubic hair as well... it's a challenge! I've applied for a guiness record but they rejected me. How sad...
computersaysno says
16 years ago
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Damn, Teddy, you love pain :-))
teddymun says
16 years ago
he even tried sticking 10 dildos up his nose but stopped at the first one (s_annoyed)
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
That's like that "Kids in the Sandbox" video
computersaysno says
16 years ago
Ahahahaha, man, from food to sex. What a typical plurk.
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Where a guy shoves a dildo into his mangina
teddymun says
16 years ago
kids in the sandbox? what's that?
teddymun says
16 years ago
no way. I'll leave my mangina for the real thing if there's such a day to come
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Ohh, Teddy! Save yourself for me :-P
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
I blame Adrian!
teddymun says
16 years ago
I blame Lucy!
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Let's just say it was Rilla
teddymun says
16 years ago
Maybe it's computer...
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Or Maybe it was my very own husband.
computersaysno says
16 years ago
*shifty eyes*
teddymun says
16 years ago
maybe it's heather :-D
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
No, actually, it was Lucy with her Freudian slips
computersaysno says
16 years ago
Lol, I love it when the term 'freudian slips' is used.
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Me too. You should so be a psychology major, Computer :-P
computersaysno says
16 years ago
I was going to be, actually. I don't know why the hell I didn't actually take any psychology courses, actually!
computersaysno says
16 years ago
I agree, Adrian's definitely the dirtiest of us all.
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Psychology is amazing, Computer :-) I've wanted a lot of different careers but I always come back to psychology.
teddymun asks
16 years ago
what about Lucy *points and laughs at Lucy*
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Lucy always encourages Adrian. Perhaps we should pitch fork her?
computersaysno says
16 years ago
Yeah, cyanide...I wonder if I can consider a change when I do my honours degree or something...
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
Are you interested in a certain type of psychology or just psychology in general?
computersaysno says
16 years ago
In general to begin with, but I suppose in the end I'd like to relate it to the stuff I'm majoring in now, would be an idea
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
What are you majoring in now?
computersaysno says
16 years ago
music, mass communication, theater and film
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
That would be an interesting mix :-)
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
*pitchforks Lucy*
computersaysno says
16 years ago
Yeah, I would drive myself crazy. It'd be awesome.
computersaysno says
16 years ago
As for the blaming, I stand by blaming adrian
teddymun says
16 years ago
Michael Jackson would LOVE child psychology to bits.
computersaysno says
16 years ago
minus the 'psychology to'
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
How Bizarre.
16 years ago
I studied child psychology for a while :-) Very interesting
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