Kat is
16 years ago
anyone trying to lose weight or eat better like I am?
latest #113
blong219 says
16 years ago
Me...sadly it itsn't working...
blong219 says
16 years ago
isn't, for those who can spell
16 years ago
Sorta...but it aint working
Kat says
16 years ago
well I started on an awesome site that really is helping me
Kat says
16 years ago
Kat says
16 years ago
AWESOME! really easy to use
cchris says
16 years ago
I am
Kat says
16 years ago
it tells you how many calories you should be eating to lost weight
Kat says
16 years ago
then you log what you eat and it keep track of what you have left
16 years ago
I don't diet. I just watch what I eat and exercise.
16 years ago
other than that I don't work at it
Kat says
16 years ago
it recommends that I eat 1264 or less a day
Kat says
16 years ago
but NOT less than 1200
Kat says
16 years ago
you might like this site
Kat says
16 years ago
really easy to use
Kat says
16 years ago
and it gives eat food a grade too which is helpful
Kat says
16 years ago
really helpful! I was shocked. Some of the things I thought were good turned out not te be
Kat says
16 years ago
if you join let me know.. I will request you as a friend..
ǝʇıpoɹɥdɐ says
16 years ago
HAHAHAHAhahhahaHAHAHAh.... in a word... yes.
16 years ago
me...but uh...yeah.
Kat says
16 years ago
you should check out the site Aphrodite
Kat says
16 years ago
LOL what does that mean Jen?
16 years ago
Im losingthe battle
16 years ago
and why the hell do you need to lose weight Kat? You're already a stick
ǝʇıpoɹɥdɐ says
16 years ago
argh! no, too depressing. I love all the bad foods
Kat says
16 years ago
LOL I am not a stick. I have about 15 pounds I could lose. Then I think I would be ok
Kat says
16 years ago
at least 10
16 years ago
are you kidding me? Seriously? You are a stick! Everyone here that thinks Kat needs to lose weight raise their hand...
16 years ago
Try 40-50 then come talk to me about needing to lose weight hun
Kat says
16 years ago
LOL I am not saying that I am helpless or anything.. but I have put on a few pounds from careless eating habits
Kat says
16 years ago
I dont like that at all.. and that is something that I need to curb
Kat says
16 years ago
this site is helping me account for the things I eat and pay attention a little more
Zak Nicola says
16 years ago
I always try to eat well
Kat says
16 years ago
good for you hun!
Kat says
16 years ago
Kat says
16 years ago
You will have to link me. We can be friends LOL
16 years ago
i just signed up
16 years ago
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
i eat like garbage and ive lost 40lbs in a year
JustJen is
16 years ago
jealous of E
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
yeah but i need to start lifting weights to tone up
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
i just need to find a dependable partner
16 years ago
defintely need a partner. They help out.
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
indeed thats how i orginially started a guy i know goes everyday and so i picked up his motivation
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
got hurt a few times (not in the gym)and that would prevent me from going
JustJen is
16 years ago
going to start riding her bike the 4 blocks to work instead of walking
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
but i would work out for two straight months not lose a pound stop for 4 and lose 20
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
Kat says
16 years ago
you suck Socal! LOL just had to let you know
Kat says
16 years ago
thats a good idea Jen!!
16 years ago
it's only 4 blocks but its still more exercise than walking
IvHollywoodvI™ says
16 years ago
I am
JustJen says
16 years ago
but Wood you're already and adonis - why do you want to put the rest of the world to shame like that? (except for E of course...)
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
16 years ago
Kat says
16 years ago
weird.. I dont know how to search for your profile NotAMeanGirl
16 years ago
Socal- When working out you always seem to loose weight slower due to the fact that you are adding muscle and it weighs more than fat
16 years ago
you need to measure yourself and go by inches instead of weight.
Kat says
16 years ago
ICK! I am afraid to do that
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
very true,...but i was a heavy guy and now im not so i realized that you dont lose as much
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
when you lift but i cant imagine gaining that much muscle in a total of four months working out last year
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
so a large portion of it was fat
16 years ago
you'd be surprised how much you gain in muscle.
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
well now that you say it i am pretty ripped
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
16 years ago
You just have to remember that when loosing weight its better to loose it slowly while working out than quickly by dieting
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
yeah thats the strange thing i havent really changed my diet at all
Kat says
16 years ago
agreed.. thats what I am hoping to do
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
but...well i guess i did cut back alot on beer
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
maybe thats the difference
Kat says
16 years ago
really just toned up, lose some flab and eat healthier
16 years ago
cutting back on beer will do it. Same as cutting back on sodas.
16 years ago
I'm with you Kat, that's all I really want to do too.
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
i drink three lo carb monsters a day...replaced soda
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
but then again im not neccesarily inactive either i do play softball and golf...i know what your thinking
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
but they do burn calories
16 years ago
sports help
16 years ago
I play volleyball
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
i would block your spike
Socaldodgerfan says
16 years ago
jk tiny
JustJen says
16 years ago
easily Socaldodgerfan - Tiny is only like 2 foot 1
16 years ago
it's okay cuz I can't spike.
16 years ago
and it's 5' and 1/4" Jen
16 years ago
Kat says
16 years ago
Wow! thats pretty dang short!
16 years ago
now you know why she's shrimp
16 years ago
yes, I really am short. LOL
Kat says
16 years ago
LOL Yes, I can see why you are called that my friend! LOL
16 years ago
yep, I come by it honestly. I prefer to look at is as "I am the perfect height. Everyone else over grew"
Kat says
16 years ago
I wonder what grade that one gets!
Kat says
16 years ago
Kat says
16 years ago
D+ (Campbell's) New England Clam Chowder - Campbell's Select Soups
Kat says
16 years ago
Yea, I did that yesterday LOL
Kat says
16 years ago
All you can do is go forward.. no need to dwell on it
Kat says
16 years ago
food is so annoying lol
Kat says
16 years ago
over half of my calories gone.. before 1 UGH (s_angry)
tensixteen64 says
16 years ago
yup, always trying.
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