Bibbi says
15 years ago
OKAY..i had about 59,000 items in my inv. ...i was just about to search something ..and realised..i only got about 36,000 now...WTF? (angry)
latest #9
15 years ago
i already tried with clear cache and logged in back to a empty sim to let inventory load..but it only loads this 36,000
15 years ago
i am going to cry...srsly
15 years ago
i wasn't even one of the poor residents which got logged out for those inventory server rotation or what ever it was
PomJ says
15 years ago
call linden or better make ticket,they will tell you its your connection or your pc is shit,that happens all the time
15 years ago
yeah..exactly and it wont help me at all :'-(
Ivey says
15 years ago
thats happened to me a few times and it usually comes back in a day or two
Ivey says
15 years ago
I had to do 1 ticket once cause I lost my AO and Dance Chim very expensive to replace. LL did something cause I got them back in a few days
15 years ago
oh nooooo
SJ. says
15 years ago
wow really sorry for you- das ist echt nur beschissen :-s
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