ScottSchulz is
16 years ago
wondering if the nylon twine I found is the same as gregwillits was using in the video... seems awful likely to unravel
Archy_sailor says
16 years ago
Nylon is like that...try not to untie it too often, and make sure you singe the ends as soon as you cut it
ScottSchulz says
16 years ago
I singed the ends... It just seems like this is a lot softer than his was... more cottony feeling, though it says nylon
Archy_sailor says
16 years ago
it's probably a spun nylon with finer yarns...we used tarred nylon twine on the ships, and some varieties were a little softer than others
Archy_sailor says
16 years ago
Just be careful about pulling at the individual strands too much
ScottSchulz says
16 years ago
Very good.. thank you. I'll carry on and see how it goes