sci-fi or fantasy? Discuss.
latest #13
there are good works and campy works in both genres... I'll take good sci-fi and campy fantasy.
I've seen good and bad for both. Slight preference for sci fi, only because women in fantasy haven't been always well portrayed
though I'm sure I've missed the good ones.
i like the intellectual properties that span such a vast timeline that they encompass both. m/x, for example
but only because fantasy has too many bows and arrows and breeches
I actually favor fantasy over sci-fi, with ONE exception - post apocalyptic sci-fi is awesome, but mostly because people are primitive
with scraps of highly sophisticated technology.
but throwing fireballs out of thin air and the entire cloak/dagger/crossbow genre of action always appealed a bit more to me than lasers,
time travel, and spaceships.
oh yeah, zombie sci-fi trumps all
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