what? Are you outside my window?
it doesnt work
and i'm goin drinkin with her
Thanks. Will need that after I bear my stupid soul in front of 1000 people I don't know.
maria and i will be in the crowd flashin our bewbies to calm you
and i'll hold up a bottle of johnnie walker too
And Ho, and Kimm, and a few other bloggers I know.
nobody deserves it more than you! Congratulations!
I'm guessing BlogHer. Congrats!
BlogHer. Speaking a little. Ugh.
only in a completely honest way
which some may find offensive
but mah true friends lurve
takes off her clothes, unfortunately
i'll be sure to stash and extra pair of knickers for ya
you said you weren't going! Congrats babe. *sobbing into her latte that she wont be there*
extremely happy for you!!!!!!!!
you lied to ME!!!! Oh I feel so hurt....
happy for you. Hoping I can go next year.