16 years ago
stayed up too late last night playing Wii tennis.
latest #7
NetHead says
16 years ago
tiffany; do u have a pic of sometype to use? getting the crzy face :-)
16 years ago
lacks the patience to upload a pic to a site that can't pull it from a specified URL. So I have no avatar until that feature is implemented.
tiffany is
16 years ago
just tired of doing the same new profile dance on every service. Plenty of other places can pull my avatar from Flickr.
robdubya says
16 years ago
I LOVE Wii Tennis!!!!
robdubya says
16 years ago
Wanna play online sometime?
robdubya says
16 years ago
Can you play Tennis online?
tiffany says
16 years ago
hah, not until I get better at it. :-D
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