Adaire asks
15 years ago
if anyone knows a non-regular OTC solution for nausea? I feel soooo gross....and the usual zantac isn't working. :-(
latest #27
Hethr says
15 years ago
you tried sucking on candy? I have heard if you hate peppermint to try sucking on any candy to help
Hethr says
15 years ago
maybe it's the saliva?
Hethr says
15 years ago
I used to just eat tons of crackers for mine and soda cause the bubbles help I dunno what else (cozy)
Zoey Pinkdot
15 years ago
Things with ginger in them like ginger ale or ginger snaps. Many cancer patients stock up on ginger products while going through chemo.
Hethr says
15 years ago
oh yeah or there are some english cookies with candied ginger in them or just plain candied ginger
Hethr says
15 years ago
I did that when I was pregnant
Hethr says
15 years ago
oh here I didn't know about salt or accupressure maybe that will help?
(((Cajsa))) says
15 years ago
I doubt you have it unless you have a well-stocked bar, but a dash of angostura bitters in a glass of water or ginger ale will work miracles
Zoey Pinkdot
15 years ago
I just read about the acupressure too. lol.
(((Cajsa))) says
15 years ago
my brother used to own a bar. They would make a glass of bitters/ginger ale for folks who drank to the point know
Hethr says
15 years ago
poor adaire (cozy) (heart)
Minxchan says
15 years ago
a dab of peppermint around your navel works. Seriously. Well, it worked for me :-) feel better.
15 years ago
i've heard ginger also, but can't really stand the taste of it. bananas helped me when i was pregnant... don't know if that applies here.
Miss Phire
15 years ago
(cozy) maybe some peppermint tea would work. I used to drink it a lot when I was preggers
callie cline
15 years ago
there is a sleeping pill which works great... i forgot the name tho :-(
Eveling says
15 years ago
this might sounds weird but you have pressure points in your ear lobes and if you firmly pinch and massage them it should help as well.
Adaire says
15 years ago
Thank you soooo much, everyone!! This is great...I have dealt with nausea a lot and these are all new things to try!
15 years ago
callie cline
15 years ago
oh it's called unisom
Faedra 42 says
15 years ago
a lot of people hate it, but alka seltzer does wonders for me. (i have an ulcer and my stomach is in constant turmoil)
Megazord says
15 years ago
half of a dramamine pill will help too. Taking half kind of helps with the not knocking you out part.
Shane Hornet says
15 years ago
well, you need to roll a joint, Adaire!
Hethr says
15 years ago
oh yeah dramamine!! I used to have this thing with inner ear problems it was like 1 year of carsickness even when standing still.
Hethr says
15 years ago
anyway Dramamine was my savior.
15 years ago
agrees with ShaneHornet lol
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