Myleftfoot has
15 years ago
been given instructions on how to fuel a bus....... it ran out again (lmao)
latest #7
tremaine says
15 years ago
they don't fuel the buses to full before they go out for the day? wtf?
Myleftfoot says
15 years ago
mine wasn't fuelled for 5 days because somebody forgot to fuel it..........................ME! :'-(
tremaine says
15 years ago
I'm always paranoid about running out, so I keep a pretty close eye on the gauge daily.
tremaine says
15 years ago
I generally fill it when it starts nearing that halfway mark :-)
Myleftfoot says
15 years ago
our buses do not have fuel gauges !
brokendownangel says
15 years ago
5 days?!
tremaine says
15 years ago
no fuel gauges??
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