matthewwest wishes
16 years ago
plurk would understand that I have a life in meat-space and didn't dock my karma for not visiting more often.
latest #7
matthewwest says
16 years ago
honestly, it's like a disincentive for me to come here.
johnrhopkins says
16 years ago
you either embrace or ignore the karma... but they make it hard to ignore
matthewwest says
16 years ago
maybe they can give out dharma instead...
johnrhopkins asks
16 years ago
if Matt works for the 3D software company.
RichHale says
16 years ago
IGNORE Karma... It is meaningless, just get a nice wallpaper and some more emoticons... PAH!
RichHale says
16 years ago
SolidWorks ROCKS!
burhop says
16 years ago
0.00 Karma ....snicker :-P
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