16 years ago
cursing at wireless keyboard & mouse - works great, until the batteries die. grumble grumble.
latest #12
Semipro says
16 years ago
which is why I stored mine
16 years ago
that's why I'll never use wireless devices
16 years ago
couldn't live without her wireless mouse...but does have to remember to keep batteries on hand
RonaldBradford says
16 years ago
I live with the cables, because generally they don't stop working.
sheeri says
16 years ago
agreed with all of the above. Never use wireless keyboard/mouse for anything important like a data center
sheeri says
16 years ago
though there should be an easy way to see BATTERIES ARE LOW.
16 years ago
someone needs to invent a kinetic wireless keyboard that charges from keypresses :-)
sheeri says
16 years ago
jenn-r -- totally. people look at me like I'm stupid when I say I want "wireless power"
sheeri says
16 years ago
why can't we have "power waves" sent to devices like we can have radio waves sent? ;-)
16 years ago
i think tesla was working on that, but got preoccupied with death
Tina_Colada has
16 years ago
the same problem and knows its annoying
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