StevenXia is
15 years ago
:-)i dont understand the point of plurk, but its a great procrasinating tool!
latest #6
lemonniii says
15 years ago
hahahahha. ok ur background is weird.. anime? 2nd of all.. ur dp is weird.. i nvr knew u were into 飛輪海 lmao (LOL)
StevenXia says
15 years ago
lol, i like chinese songs, i'll show you my ipod someday, its like 99% chinese songs lol
StevenXia says
15 years ago
i just found the background on the site it gives you lol
StevenXia says
15 years ago
btw, y do you write in traditional chinese?
lemonniii says
15 years ago
... wat do u mean.. cant i write trad?
StevenXia says
15 years ago
of course you can, its just that ppl now a days usually write in simplified
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