wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
hi how is everyone? (wave) this is the first time that I have gotten to a computer today
latest #9
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
my father's second cancer surgery was today and I have been up since 3:30 this morning with no rest. THe surgery was 5 and a half hours and
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
then 2 hours before he woke-up before we got to see him, and the surgery was a little harder than the doctors thought it would be, but he
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
seems to be doing ok, now comes the 10 day wait to see if the path. report shows a need for more surgeries or chemo
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
(goodluck)hope it is ok
j4crew says
15 years ago
(cozy)hope he is ok
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
thank you, is doing better than expected.
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