KatrinaD says
15 years ago
I heard you can't plurk in china...because they're not allowed to....is it true? :-(
latest #10
POPOY says
15 years ago
KatrinaD says
15 years ago
que_adik: because they can't express? i dunno..my friend just told me...and he just heard it too...soo we don't know if it's true :-))
POPOY says
15 years ago
lol. maybe. they are havng hard time speaking english? hehe.
Dah-Wei says
15 years ago
because of the government ...they can't use youtube either, :-o
KatrinaD says
15 years ago
soooo it is true
Dah-Wei says
15 years ago
POPOY says
15 years ago
how sad. hmm
Dah-Wei says
15 years ago
some websites are also blocked by the govt.
Dah-Wei says
15 years ago
so my chinese friends are happy overseas
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