icats is
15 years ago
thinking bout going back to school
latest #74
icats says
15 years ago
i just dont know for what though
karma medic feels
15 years ago
like singing.
icats says
15 years ago
karma medic.. it's not time for that.
icats says
15 years ago
I have courses here and there. Like, I have all my English classes and stuff. It's that DANG MATH. lol I don't know if I could do medical
icats says
15 years ago
I might suck up the math part and get something in business. Move up in the job I'm in or somethin
Mrs. Winkle says
15 years ago
everyone has business degrees... it's the "I didn't know what to study" major
Mrs. Winkle says
15 years ago
something Medical is always a win-win. You will ALWAYS have a job in the medical field
karma medic thinks
15 years ago
someone should give her cookies. The HTTP type.
karma medic wonders
15 years ago
where you are now.
karma medic says
15 years ago
I see.
Mrs. Winkle thinks
15 years ago
karmamedic is starting to get creepy...(blush)
icats says
15 years ago
Kris, medical doesn't mean you have to deal with blood, poo and all that! lol
icats says
15 years ago
its a pretty big field
icats says
15 years ago
Yeah. I might look into something that doesn't deal with a lot of sitting. I do way too much of that already.
Mrs. Winkle wishes
15 years ago
I didn't sit all day... my butt is flattening out... :'-(
Mrs. Winkle will
15 years ago
most likely be one of those flat-butted-grannies (unsure)
icats says
15 years ago
HAHA oh kristine! I'm actually really looking into the medical transcriptionist. My sister took the course and it wasn't that bad
icats says
15 years ago
I'm up for the challenge! I don't want to work with kids. I can only handle so much of them. I've come to find that out.
icats says
15 years ago
medical transcription can't be THAT hard
icats says
15 years ago
no kids arent hard. . . just it depends
icats says
15 years ago
no kids arent hard. . . just it depends
icats says
15 years ago
Yeah well maybe my OWN will be hard but I don't find them hard to handle.
icats says
15 years ago
yeah i know. That's because its day in and day out! Maybe once you get back into school full time or a job you'll appreciate it more
icats says
15 years ago
Not loving BEING with her and not LOVING her are two different things. Just remember that! MWAH
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