Jack says
15 years ago
T in the Park 2010 Early Bird tickets on sale tomorrow morning
latest #25
Matt says
15 years ago
you buying?
Jack says
15 years ago
Jack says
15 years ago
I'd love to go!
Matt says
15 years ago
ah, but is it wise to buy without seeing the line-up?
Jack says
15 years ago
great bands each year
Jack says
15 years ago
and it's in Scotland
Jack says
15 years ago
lovely place :-P
Matt says
15 years ago
not to be a buzz-kill or anything, but leeds had an amazing line up last year, but this year it was crap, as an example
Matt says
15 years ago
however, your choice :-D
Matt says
15 years ago
on a similar note, i hope rage and muse play festivals next year
Matt says
15 years ago
that would be amazing
15 years ago
i wouldn't dismiss the leeds/reading line up as crap... it does depend upon your taste in music Matt ;-)
Matt says
15 years ago
sorry, i should rephrase
Matt says
15 years ago
it is relatively crap imo, i'd be happy to go, but I would have been ecstatic to go to 08
Matt says
15 years ago
admittedly though, T in the Park has had pretty decent line ups for 08/09
Matt says
15 years ago
if they have muse and rage (if either do fests) then that is the one to go for for me :-D
15 years ago
for some reason I was under the impression Muse weren't gonna do any festivals
Matt says
15 years ago
this year they aren't
Matt says
15 years ago
large chance next year, with the album and stuff
Jack says
15 years ago
I still really wanna go
Jack says
15 years ago
Matt says
15 years ago
so are you buying?
Jack says
15 years ago
still don't know
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