torka says
16 years ago
Any Triangle NC area women, there's an informal lunch get-together at The Rockford on Glenwood at noon. No agenda - just get-to-know-you.
latest #23
torka says
16 years ago
So come on down and get to know us (and let us get to know you). glowbird and I will be there! :-)
16 years ago
sounds like fun! I'm in the Triangle area, but the Golden one. Heh heh. Uhhh.
torka says
16 years ago
Well, hop a plane then! ;-)
jefftippett asks
16 years ago
may I come, too? I love being the only guy in a room full of women!
torka says
16 years ago
You'll have to ask glowbird ;-)
rockinprgirl says
16 years ago
what a ladies man, that Jeff Tippett.
torka says
16 years ago
jefftippett We can make you an honorary TweetDiva if you want.
torka says
16 years ago
Or maybe like back in fraternity/sorority life, you can be our chapter sweetheart. :-D
rockinprgirl says
16 years ago
awwww. I miss greek life.
jefftippett says
16 years ago
nice. I'll wear a tux..just for you! B-)
rockinprgirl says
16 years ago
I want to see pictures of said tux. You should so do it like this:
torka says
16 years ago
I'm bringing a camera. (For real)
jefftippett says
16 years ago
iContact says
16 years ago
I'll let you ladies know about this invitation! :-)
jefftippett says
16 years ago
glowbird says eyevariety is coming in a thong. he'll get all the attention. :-(
rockinprgirl says
16 years ago
that's an image I really don't want in my head.
torka says
16 years ago
jefftippett Uhm, no. You've got no worries. Tuxedo beats thong any day in my book. :-D Unless the thong is worn my Matthew McConaughey. ;-)
rockinprgirl says
16 years ago
who is now a daddy and has thus shattered my fantasy of being whisked away.
torka says
16 years ago
Yeah, that does kind of put a damper on things, doesn't it.
16 years ago
yeah, what can ya do ..
torka says
16 years ago
Find some other beefcake to drool over? (woot)
torka wishes
16 years ago
she knew how we got from talking about a lunch get together in Raleigh to Matthew McConaughey...
rockinprgirl says
16 years ago
it's jefftippett's fault.
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