Dee is
16 years ago
home, hot and tired. (also wonders why she can't spell home correctly and always wants to and an r)
latest #8
Kathie says
16 years ago
aaaaaaaaah, I do that too! It's irritating! :-)) He's sneaking in everywhere :-))
Kathie gives
16 years ago
you a hug *huggles* (s_cozy) and icecubes and pillows
Dee thinks
16 years ago
that he is great and very, very sneaky. (s_cozy)back
Kathie is
16 years ago
agreeing with you there - he's sneaky (for sure) but we still love him B-)
Dee loves
16 years ago
him lots and lots too. B-)
Kathie says
16 years ago
even if he wears odd shoes :-D
Dee says
16 years ago
even then. :-P
Kathie thinks
16 years ago
especially then ^^
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