SandyKnits says
16 years ago
my karma went down because I slept late. That doesn't seem fair to be penalized for laziness! What? IS my mother the Plurk-god?? :-)
latest #13
WendyKnits says
16 years ago
it seems that way!
knitting2relax thinks
16 years ago
SandyKnits needs some (s_dance)
Gromit says
16 years ago
karma god = guilt god. Can't get away from the guilt thing.
FuchsiaLucia says
16 years ago
it'll go back up soon.
piccologirl says
16 years ago
well that's not right at all! (s_angry)
textilejunkie says
16 years ago
I know!
door says
16 years ago
pAtChWoRkGiRl says
16 years ago
I do wonder how EXACTLY karma is figured... like could we say "okay, I need to post X number of plurks" (either replies or new plurks)
pAtChWoRkGiRl says
16 years ago
for this number of points
gibknits says
16 years ago
for crying out loud! Let
gibknits says
16 years ago
's file a formal plurkaint.
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