meghilton is
15 years ago
excitedly nervous. Hubby and I are telling our parents tonight that we are expecting our first baby.
latest #15
15 years ago
oh, Megan! What wonderful news! (cozy)
kaltenburg says
15 years ago
woo hoo!!!
kaltenburg says
15 years ago
do you have an exciting way to do it???
StayinCooLu says
15 years ago
that is wonderful! Congratulations!
Magpot says
15 years ago
congratulations! A very exciting time.
ivyedie says
15 years ago
that is great news!
LoriB says
15 years ago
how wonderful for you! Congratulations!
Musiclady says
15 years ago
Musiclady says
15 years ago
When are you due?
meghilton says
15 years ago
We went in for our first dr appt on Tuesday. He printed off a few pictures for us. We framed them and gave them to our parents last night.
meghilton says
15 years ago
Lots of screaming and crying. It's unbelievable that they would let us go back to that restaurant...
meghilton says
15 years ago
I'm due March 5th.
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