I don't know if I'll have internet access. But I'll have my computer with me (gotta a paper to write :S)
my host mom loves to shop until we drop..and plus one hour jetleg
i'm going to bed. i have to be up in 3 hours and leave for the airport!!
good night my friends..I'll talk to yall soon..
Charlie, I'll see you soon!
we went to see the Proposal..it's a good movie...
it sound silly but cried...
yesterday i was at the family reunion at Tisumingo, OK...
which there was no cell phone signals at all
Bill called me and left me a message (cuz no signals):
hello~ I'm calling from Oregon. It's beautiful here. I'm with my family and we're heading to ..."
so I called him back, without him answering the phone, I left a message"
Hello this is Jenny calling from the beautiful land called Oklahoma
he got a new car, and he's driving that thing from oregon to cincinnati.
it will take 2 days to drive!
now he got a green car which is his University of Oregon's (UO)color
I drive a red car, which is my favorite Oklahoma university (OU) color..
we always fight about my team is better than his..
everytimes he comes over, he's shove my OU sweat shirt under the couch..
so it will be fun when we both get home next week..
i will soak up the air in Oklahoma while he soak it up in Oregon..then we'll meet again in Ohio
Three states of Os in the United States!
...signing off for now..Love Jenny
is this a LETTER of something???XD
Charlie~ what is your address?
my address is "7815 McCallum Blvd, apt15202, Dallas, TX 75252"
小表弟跑去釣魚 不到20分中就抓到一支大約10磅的魚
他在那邊跑來跑去 釣魚線勾到我的腳! 給我割了一大條
阿彭~ 我已經在texas兩天了 還沒去找你 拍謝呢
我hostmom一直被捲進照顧我們cousin的職位 我在的這幾天都是小朋友
今天我們應該會去north park mall...有空的話出來逛個街吧!
他有打western and southern的比賽嗎?
妳一直在拐我去你們那裡啊!XDD Marat~你要小心啊!有人一直在拐你的女人!(大叫)
哈哈哈 Marat你最好來我們這邊比賽 妳的女人才會失望她沒來這邊
we are all just joker.. not like F4 or jpg4(?)..they "hate
no…actually~it's HKP4!
ohh yeah something like that
why HKP4? I still can't remeber the reason why
HKP stands for "high knowledge person"
but…but we use them for too long :-s can't change it…
yeah..it shouldn't be high knowledege..
because they aren't that smart
well~they are SMART in some part~but in friendship part!
but they're really know how to be bitches!XD
haha bitches and hoes are no human!