Boom Hsu
15 years ago
last week got 20,000NT from the stock!that's one thing worth celebrating!! (woot)
latest #9
15 years ago
go celebrating!! when are you free?
Boom Hsu
15 years ago
7/29~8/4 my summer vaca. are u still in Taiwan then
15 years ago
oh, i'm in USA at that time...
15 years ago
yes, but my cousin came to Taiwan and i will in company with her in 8/1~8/3
15 years ago
btw, Robert goes to US 7/27, 阿珍 is 8/2, cody is 8/5, we have to meet and pick a day
Boom Hsu
15 years ago
llt00: no!! when!!
Boom Hsu
15 years ago
prefer03: that's right..
15 years ago
sasnee: 7/28~8/19...
15 years ago
oh my godsh!!! You are really a lucky guy!!
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