15 years ago
lost my motivation today. Thought maybe I'd find it at the bottom of a cup of coffee, but it wasn't there. Has anyone seen it? (:
latest #8
jonyboy says
15 years ago
let me look again
figaro says
15 years ago
I think it may have run off with mine, maybe they are playing hide and seek?
Griffy.Lapin is
15 years ago
looking for mine there, as well....still looking....
jonyboy says
15 years ago
nope, can't find it. take the rest of the day off
jonyboy says
15 years ago
if anyone asks, tell 'em I said it was okey dokey
15 years ago
rest of the day off works for me! well, at least until my paycheck comes. (annoyed)
jonyboy says
15 years ago
damn, always something isn't there?
Ellehcim says
15 years ago
it was at the bottom of my cup & I drank it....sorry! (unsure)
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