also glad practice finished without them getting too wet! O:
:< you had practice. envy!!
we also got rained on! but yeah, we did.
yours got cancelled?
(Did Mizu forget that they trained indoors when it rained?)
(mizu's mun did, actually. XD)
:< i wish we could train indoors, but our school's cooridors are kinda cramped.
we fit in ours if we stand in a line! (´v`)/
... don't you hit people? :< *heard things about Mizutani*
that's why we give him extra space :>
i'm getting better, okay!
dun worry, niisan said you were.
*pat pat*
Anyway, Mizutani has his uses in the lineup.
(HnngGHGHh MIZU ; 3 ; <33)
pleased at being complimented! kind of. it's abe, so he'll take what he can get.
;A; niisan got my pocky again just now. he keeps on eating everything!
Because someone else keeps on eating my food at school.
; 3; excuses! you'll get FAT, niisan!
you've alread gained four kilos, you know!
i am actually helping you out!
I'm trying to gain some weight. :\
Yes. I'm five kilos underweight. Was, anyway/
all that weight is going to his butt. Or head.
guilty now.
eat another banana, abe! (´o`)
Mihashi is even more severely underweight. Mihashi should gain ten kilos!
even guiltier.
i'll replace it, little abe!
since i ate some too~
already plotting on how to feed Mihashi more.
:< i'm not talking about the other day. je took one just now while i was in the loo.
and i'm not little! ... not that much!
; 3; at least lemme have some.
You can have my ice cream. I don't eat that too much.