he is amazing in this book
i dont really like simon as much as i did before
i was like smiling everytime he came
i love when she takes him to the cave of sighs and then she gives him the magic and then she was like you could do whatever you want
and then he kissed her and then she was like you could do whatever you want like become a gentleman
or whatever and hes like "every man his own wish" and then he kissed her
i hate hate hate hate how he dies
but that part was cute too
and when he drew the hands together with the circle around it
they have to cast someone beyond amazing
i dreamed that there were two more books
i want kartik to come back somehow
okay so iono if you know him but he went to parks, well there was this guy in laguna named cameron samak
and i had a dream iono why but i stole his cellphone
it was just lying there and i took it
and then the principal was questionbing everyone
and i had in and out sleep though
like i kept waking up thinking omigod i have to give that phone back
nd then i would fall asleep again but then i lost the phonw
i woke up thinking i lost his phone
sorry but that is just funny
the nightmare was REALLY scary
whew i felt so bad and scared
have you see him recently
i always thought that guy was kinda weird
but you dont understand how scared i was
i was like shaking in my bad
nd i would wake up and gasp
i cant ever be a criminal
youd go mad if you were a criminal
you know whats weird. like i changed my background and now it doesnt tell me if i got a new resonse
so i have to manually check
why dont you refresh or log in and then out or something. that might help
hi jane!!! ive actually been here for a while though
well this stupid comp wont tell me if i have new responses soo i didnt know
ive been on since like ten something
im wasting time while i should be doing math
how much do youhave left?
i think i will. i have to do rich cow too