Puiyeng is
15 years ago
going to PJ pasar mlm now! :-D
latest #9
victorlim1991 says
15 years ago
victorlim1991 says
15 years ago
i stay around here
Puiyeng says
15 years ago
u stay around taman megah meh O.o
15 years ago
yes lol he live next to taman megah only
15 years ago
and I live next to his area =D
victorlim1991 says
15 years ago
so yang stay in pasar malam
15 years ago
no lah. I stay on the other side of the pasar malam. Pasar malam that side let this hippopotamus live
Audreyyy says
15 years ago
ehhh? I thought TYY lives in the JUNGLE?! LION what! :-P
victorlim1991 says
15 years ago
i know d!!!pasar pagi!
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