CHlNG is
15 years ago
BACK cos christabel wants to talk here instead of on msn :-o hi christabel! (i still dont have that wave emoticon)
latest #310
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha Christabel to the rescue! lol
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
yay lets start msn-ing here
CHlNG says
15 years ago
eh walao my karma dropped
CHlNG says
15 years ago
HAHA expected
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha i thought where u go i was waiting..
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
so talking about cold places
ctbtll says
15 years ago
cant go cos nose bleed and asthma
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
talking about cold places, i thought about the eng project
CHlNG says
15 years ago
i wont have one leh
CHlNG says
15 years ago
nosebleed i mean
ctbtll says
15 years ago
oh hehe but hor still will anytime faint lol
ctbtll says
15 years ago
cos faint 2 times alr
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
oh the eng project
ctbtll says
15 years ago
isa do alr?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
havent i think
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ohya didnt ask u first
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
she ytd got tuition
ctbtll says
15 years ago
rawr. here cant send files
CHlNG says
15 years ago
and tdy go out
CHlNG says
15 years ago
her dad's bday o.o
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
so sian.. hais.. chinese so much to study
ctbtll says
15 years ago
she so good go out
ctbtll says
15 years ago
go where
CHlNG says
15 years ago
dunno haha
CHlNG says
15 years ago
with her family de
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha any new movies coming out?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha i was thinking about isa always go watch movie even ice age also watch alr
ctbtll says
15 years ago
hais too bad i dont have the chance to watch.. hais
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
lol i rarely watch movies .__.
CHlNG says
15 years ago
only with friends
ctbtll says
15 years ago
u study for chinese alr?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
with family i cn only watch harrypotter or starwarsn-.-
CHlNG says
15 years ago
starwars *
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
i only look at the list
ctbtll says
15 years ago
oh.. haha i watch looney tunes with my family before i think that is the only time..
ctbtll says
15 years ago
that time still young like know nothing like that
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
looney tunes
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha i like the bird
ctbtll says
15 years ago
beep beep
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
i like baby looney tunes (MY HP POUCH! BABY BUGS :-D :-D)
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha lol only know how to eat carrot very funny
ctbtll says
15 years ago
then that time watch that time hear the carrot crunch then after that want to try eat big raw carrot
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ooh really ah
CHlNG says
15 years ago
i never really watch alot
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha lol that movie is the looney tunes in real life haha
ctbtll says
15 years ago
but they are still in cartoon form
ctbtll says
15 years ago
i think the carrot is real one lol
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
then cos they are in real life makes it look more unrealistic
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
but looney tunes supposed to be cartoon whut
CHlNG says
15 years ago
they make to real life then not nice liao
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha yup that movie is the looney tunes characters cartoon
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
they in real life but they like cartoon form
ctbtll says
15 years ago
so is cartoon bunny eating real carrot lol
ctbtll says
15 years ago
:-o u angry?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
LOL what shit is that man
CHlNG says
15 years ago
so weird
ctbtll says
15 years ago
i share the picture
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
is in 2003 de
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
the ad
ctbtll says
15 years ago
i just put it up
ctbtll says
15 years ago
oh 6 years ago?
ctbtll says
15 years ago
which means im 14-6
ctbtll says
15 years ago
8 years old
ctbtll says
15 years ago
u have watch that before?
ctbtll says
15 years ago
8 years old is pri?
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
yay ur karma increasing
ctbtll says
15 years ago
so fast wow
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
where u?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ps in toilet
CHlNG says
15 years ago
lolol wow
CHlNG says
15 years ago
12.85 liao
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol! haha
ctbtll says
15 years ago
good faster
CHlNG says
15 years ago
8yrs old i nver watch movie one
CHlNG says
15 years ago
i think
ctbtll says
15 years ago
this thing need keep on refresh
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
have watch the looney tunes that show
CHlNG says
15 years ago
my dad only bring us watch star wars
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
i only watch tv cartoon sometimes
ctbtll says
15 years ago
oh haha i see
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol i asked alr
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol i forgot tmr is mon
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
tmr need pass up what ah?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
what hw *
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
i dont think have any other alr right
ctbtll says
15 years ago
wait i go check my timetable
CHlNG says
15 years ago
eh btw joey got sms you say she got mr.bump and nosey and small (wth! the cutest one!) ms.sunshine and chatterbox and shy?
ctbtll says
15 years ago
oh geo but i didnt do
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
she damn lucky lah! eahc one she buy also different thing inside
CHlNG says
15 years ago
LOL heck care geog lah
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
tues have erm lit so need do that oliver twist thing that one i havent even started other than ms poon gave the ans
CHlNG says
15 years ago
shit man now i feel like buying more capsules, cos of joey. D<
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha lol
ctbtll says
15 years ago
later buy too many then not lucky alr
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol idk cos addicted like gambling
CHlNG says
15 years ago
lol. i did like the next box below it only
CHlNG says
15 years ago
haha yeah
CHlNG says
15 years ago
eh lets hope joey buys another one then get a same one and gives one to me... LOLOLOL i must be dreaming
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha i go tell her i have mr happy
ctbtll says
15 years ago
and greedy
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
yea aiyah joey mah, addictd to any cute stuff
CHlNG says
15 years ago
you knw the arcade grab toys machines right
CHlNG says
15 years ago
she totally loves them lol
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha lol ya.. im only in love with mr happy cos it is the first one i got my sis gave it to me
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
i like ms sunshine!!!!!
CHlNG says
15 years ago
so cute lo
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha lol i got her also my sister gave it to me again lol!
CHlNG says
15 years ago
LOL wow your sis so gd
CHlNG says
15 years ago
she buy hw many?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
then i got everything joey had cos my mother buy also and gave it to me
CHlNG says
15 years ago
eh then you can hang sunshine and happy tgt, couple couple! LOLOL
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha lol idk
CHlNG says
15 years ago
OMG your mum buy also?!
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
but i dont have mr bump
CHlNG says
15 years ago
so now what you have in totaly?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
total *
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha ya so funny
ctbtll says
15 years ago
idk lol
ctbtll says
15 years ago
i keep on my book shelf to protect them
ctbtll says
15 years ago
poor mr happy the mouth distorted
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
so what you have now in total?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
but still smiling:-)
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol lazy count
CHlNG says
15 years ago
shit you and joey lah! NOW I FEEL LIKE BUYING MORE CAPSULES D:
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha lol for ur sake i count
ctbtll says
15 years ago
mr greedy
ctbtll says
15 years ago
mr happy
ctbtll says
15 years ago
little ms sunshin
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
aiyah chris you got so many, gimme some leh
ctbtll says
15 years ago
little miss shy
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
mr small
ctbtll says
15 years ago
wait ar
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha lol
CHlNG says
15 years ago
hmm. nobody's got miss naughty yet...
CHlNG says
15 years ago
and mr strong
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha lol
ctbtll says
15 years ago
i got chatterbox
ctbtll says
15 years ago
oh forgot i dont have nosey
ctbtll says
15 years ago
poor nosy
ctbtll says
15 years ago
land in joey's hands
ctbtll says
15 years ago
sure get injured more
ctbtll says
15 years ago
mr bump also
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol if anyone have mr strong or naughty
ctbtll says
15 years ago
also will not give u
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
but give me lol
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
but i scared i buy alr, get something nice and uber cute then i'll go buy more
ctbtll says
15 years ago
sure can de la
ctbtll says
15 years ago
first time buy
ctbtll says
15 years ago
i first time buy got mr greedy
CHlNG says
15 years ago
shld i buy lol
CHlNG says
15 years ago
you buy urself?
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ya then the rest is my mom buy de buy for u als
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
woa so good
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol she buy super alot of times
ctbtll says
15 years ago
for fun lol then i think cos of us also
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
so kind!
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha ok:-) buy urself better:-)
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
wow 225 comments alr
ctbtll says
15 years ago
go add everyone in class
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
then next time when so many comments
ctbtll says
15 years ago
pp sure envy lol
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
shld ibuy tmr morning?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
then go sch open?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha can also lol
ctbtll says
15 years ago
eh can meet u at mrt station every morning or not
CHlNG says
15 years ago
oo ok
ctbtll says
15 years ago
like ok when coinsidence then meet
CHlNG says
15 years ago
what time?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
someitmes i late de leh ):
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol u normally reach mrt what time
ctbtll says
15 years ago
sometimes i super early then sometimes i super late lol
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol i think nvm al
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
err i usually take the 6.47 train frm my hse
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha cos like everytime diff time
CHlNG says
15 years ago
reach sch de mrt abt 7am?
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol then like very diff
ctbtll says
15 years ago
maybe tmr we will meet lol
CHlNG says
15 years ago
LOL yea
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
7am meet?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
if i miss the 6.47 train the nxt one is like 6.53 i think
CHlNG says
15 years ago
then sometimes i catch the 6.42 train also
ctbtll says
15 years ago
oh.. i see dont miss 647 de ar
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
lololol ok
CHlNG says
15 years ago
eh but
CHlNG says
15 years ago
tmr i buy the capsule ah?
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ok then we meet earlier abit?
ctbtll says
15 years ago
i go with u haha
CHlNG says
15 years ago
our sch there got 7-11?
ctbtll says
15 years ago
idk that time isa say dont have
CHlNG says
15 years ago
our sch ther dont have 7-11
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol then i think u need buy at ur place
CHlNG says
15 years ago
but my hse mrt stn got
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
i hope they got blue!!!
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ok then u buy there:-)
CHlNG says
15 years ago
if dont have blue what shld i buy
CHlNG says
15 years ago
i dont want other colour leh lol
ctbtll says
15 years ago
buy the most unusual colour
ctbtll says
15 years ago
the not so many one
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
got how many colours... o.o
CHlNG says
15 years ago
wow got 285 comments alr
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol just buy the most rare colour in the container
CHlNG says
15 years ago
LOL ok
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
ok i going to sleep alr
CHlNG says
15 years ago
lol! ok
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
bye i feel sleepy but my eyes dont seem to want to close hais
ctbtll says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
ctbtll says
15 years ago
haha jy then get 25 as karma
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
wow 298 comments for this...i'll solo here and make it 300... muahaha :-D
CHlNG says
15 years ago
and one moreeee...
CHlNG says
15 years ago
300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-) :-)) (LOL) :-P (woot) ;-) :-o X-( :-( :'-( :-&
CHlNG says
15 years ago
how come it changes to 295 when i scroll away... o.0
CHlNG says
15 years ago
nvm i'll just solo more and make it 300+
CHlNG says
15 years ago
CHlNG says
15 years ago
lol i'm ike talking to myself -.-
CHlNG says
15 years ago
k byebyeeee i've hit 300!! YAY (LOL)
ZhiWiE™ says
15 years ago
ZOMG! 305???
ctbtll says
15 years ago
lol wow
CHlNG says
15 years ago
HAHA owned lol its 308 now!
ZhiWiE™ says
15 years ago
record liao lor~~
iceheartz- says
15 years ago
omo, its like 309 responses!
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