NinjaJenn says
15 years ago
can someone help me with the silent auction stuff? please? i'm confused and don't want to mess up so close to the end! :-(
NinjaJenn says
15 years ago
should the bids show up when they're placed? or how does that work?
suzbax says
15 years ago
no they update the bids manually ever few hours so you really can't tell if you are the high bidder or not
NinjaJenn says
15 years ago
ok, one more thing.. why can't i bid?!?! it keeps tellingme the verification code is wrong but it clearly isn't :-(
NinjaJenn says
15 years ago
and ty btw... i was wondering what was going on with a friends bid... he was freaking out LOL
0000 says
15 years ago
(worship) (banana_rock)