anyone has watched harry potter?
latest #32
erm..wanna ask..worth it x tgk?
is there any intimate scene between the characters?
yeah unnie..mmg follow up citer nih..but this time dunnoe nak p tgk ke x..coz order of the phoenix kan x brape best..huhu
wonnie~tu la psl~..tgk rugi x tgk pun rugi..=="
i think it still ok coz ep ni is more to love story plot, lesser action but still worth to watch it ^^
mas dah tgk lah ye?..hehe..from 5 stars..berape u rate?
de org brdngkor kat blakang my seat
blakang my seat...ader org tido...huhuhu
mnganggu btol,org nk feeling pon x boley...huhu
the ending i rasa ok je coz i sense it different from the book so tak emo sangat la kat the ending
me x bca bku...huhuhu...tbal sgt..
n de girl laen bsing2...ntah pa pe ntah...
haha..sampai ada yang tertido buku lagi best sbnrnye..=)
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