meyni says
15 years ago
something wrong with my windows live messenger! X-(
latest #9
veggiebun says
15 years ago
oh! i never use it haha
meyni says
15 years ago
ha...finally solve my problem
meyni says
15 years ago
oh? never use it?
meyni says
15 years ago
joulius says
15 years ago
windows live messenger is a bit gila one..i only use it if really no other choice
veggiebun says
15 years ago
i dislike it!
veggiebun says
15 years ago
no idea why everyone i know will ask me what is my MSN
joulius says
15 years ago
my firm doesn't allow msn..but my collegue found a site that supports if nothing to do..just msn and skype
joulius says
15 years ago
i dare not plurk coz worry the IT dept can track my convos
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