16 years ago
can you access my site?
latest #14
16 years ago
i can't seems a daily occurrence around this time
BusyDad says
16 years ago
16 years ago
I can ping it, a tracert doesn't show much
16 years ago
grrrr, back up now. by the time I get a ticket in with support it's back up each day
16 years ago
boy who cried wolf syndrome
16 years ago
: Works for me!
BusyDad says
16 years ago
haha as with most tech problems, the "wait 5 min" approach always seems to work best, followed by "hit the computer"
Sociologist says
16 years ago
Are you trying to upgrade too? It's not working for me. I've lost my site http:LocalAcademe
Kalei says
16 years ago
works for me!
Sociologist says
16 years ago
How bad is it? I haven't moved files over. Why can't I see it? (s_angry)
Sociologist says
16 years ago
Thank you for at giving me at least a "heads up" before I do too much more damage.
Sociologist says
16 years ago
Ok, Kalei was obviously not referring to me. right?
16 years ago
says: And that's why Rupe keeps it simple .....
Kalei says
16 years ago
Oh, yeah - I was referrin gto annoyinglyboring :-) Sorry.
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