kristylazz23 is
15 years ago
really confused on how this works.. thanks jennifer
latest #7
jbessolo says
15 years ago
welcome! check your alerts at the top of the page. JJ can help too.
jbessolo says
15 years ago
I'll put out a message to my friends to friend you. You can edit your page by clicking edit next to your profile.
jbessolo says
15 years ago
increase your karma by posting messages, inviting others to join, etc
kristylazz23 says
15 years ago
hahahaa.. I miss you so MUCH
kristylazz23 says
15 years ago
I guess this is where we are going to talk now
kristylazz23 says
15 years ago
did you tell your bro about me :-)
jbessolo says
15 years ago
you might want to change your profile so it says you're in education. people will friend you more
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