hyperprone is
16 years ago
so excited that Christina Ricci's "Penelope" gets released on Thursday! YEY! (woot)
latest #9
RcktMan says
16 years ago
I thought that was out ages ago...
hyperprone says
16 years ago
WHA!!! I heard Thursday! Oh my gato! Are you serious?
hyperprone says
16 years ago
Oh I meant on DVD boys.
hyperprone says
16 years ago
...you just made me so happy right now...I can't even explain...
RcktMan says
16 years ago
I saw previews for it but never saw the movie.
hyperprone says
16 years ago
I totally sent my friend Kelly to go buy it for me. She said she is going to drop it in my maildrop at home...!!!
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