mailund shares
16 years ago
latest #11
16 years ago
jea, it's crap to get up early
16 years ago
preach on, brother!
Per says
16 years ago
how it, in this day and age, can still take 5 hours to get 315km by rail in Denmark, is beyond me..
16 years ago
you and me both :-/
16 years ago
at least we can expect IC4 within the next couple of decades ;-)
Schwarz says
16 years ago
5 hours to get 315 km? That is fast
Schwarz says
16 years ago
going the ~100km to Esbjerg takes 3.5 hours
Per says
16 years ago
but then again, who is ever going to Esbjerg? :-P
Schwarz says
16 years ago
good point, but it takes a much time to leave Esbjerg
Schwarz says
16 years ago
and _that_ is sad
Per says
16 years ago
hm, yes, when you put it like that I see the problem..
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