DeeKay is
16 years ago
finally back online after 2 weeks of moving stuff around
latest #12
DeeKay says
16 years ago
thanks, moving is such a drag
DeeKay says
16 years ago
even thousgh I was careul, I still lost stuff
DeeKay says
16 years ago
I fyou see a mover with a PS3, that is mine ;-)
DeeKay says
16 years ago
Well, thing is I am still in Belgium, I got to install my amily first. I will be alone in Austin, until all is OK
DeeKay says
16 years ago
I don't want to drag my little kid into a new environment before all is prepared and well
DeeKay is
16 years ago
agreeing, but it will be august-ish rather, because I need to incorporate the new busines first, etc...
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